IRIS floral POS blog
Tips and tricks for florists
Question......When your busiest seasons are getting closer, you always start to prepare ahead of time don't you?
Pre-ordering flowers, supplies and other materials are always on your... Continue reading
If you're not paying close attention to what's happening with your website and your SEO (search engine optimization) , it's time to seriously get with the program. Orders could be tak... Continue reading
If you're still taking orders using pen and paper, you are seriously missing out. A good florist POS system can greatly increase the efficiency of your flower shop. Greater effi... Continue reading
Picture this situation. You are in the middle of a busy holiday taking sales, fulfilling orders and suddenly your power completely goes out. Are you prepared? Can you stil... Continue reading
Florists Are Thinking Outside The Box.
We see it more and more. Florists all over the country are starting to think outside the box, offering more than just fl... Continue reading
In the past several months, you may have been noticing messages popping up on your computer recommending that you upgrade to Windows 10. If so, have you upgraded yet?
Curren... Continue reading
Introducing Our New Product Pads
Most floral pos systems is today's market do not give you a wide range of interface control over your product entry syste... Continue reading
Here is something most florists don't really think about. What would you do if your Internet suddenly went down on a busy holiday and you had customers lining up? Would your current poi... Continue reading
When choosing a new floral pos system or just starting to use one for the first time, it may seem like a daunting task. After all, what you need is to run your business more efficiently right... Continue reading
Looking to boost sales after a slow summer? Here are some tips from some of our top florists and how they get things kicking... Continue reading
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John Smith
January 1, 2030
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